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Past Presidents

Michael Griswold


Born: November 29, North Carolina

From: Kannapolis

VP: Jerome Flemming

Treasurer: Cedric Love

Secretary: David Conley

Michael Griswold served as YDCC President for the year of 2011-2012. He was an activist and the first 'modern' leader. Griswold created a presence for the chapter on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. His Tumblr, 'Bear Patrol' became a favorite tool for sharing information about the upcoming election and the budget issue rising up in national politics. The most notable achievement of his term was bringing the largest delegation to state convention, and leading his chapter to victory at the YDCC vs YDMC Trivia Night. His board would fail to be able to reorganize the chapter and it would remain unorganized until June of 2017.

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